Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Six ways to organically grow your twitter following

Social media is fast becoming one of the best ways to market your brand and Twitter is outperforming the rest of the platforms for lead generations hands down. According to recent studies; Twitter generates nine to every lead generated through the combined efforts of Facebook and LinkedIn and is responsible for 84% of all leads generated through social media. Although with hashtags and other tools, it is easy on Twitter to send your message out to a large audience, the key is still to have a large following.

There are many companies offer packages where they will add followers to your account, but usually these are detached followers who have no interest in your business. Instead companies should focus on building a following organically using a social media management team or in-house. Here are six tips on how a business can grow their following in-house and inexpensively:

1.    Interact with current followers and those you follow

Users of social media are interested in engagement and it creates an emotional attachment between you and the audience. That attachment can be a powerful draw when they next want something you offer.

2.    Don’t tweet only about your products / services

Give a little to get a little. If you offer free advice, comment on industry related news and other items that have nothing to do with your products / services people will be more interested in reading your tweets, allowing your promotional tweets to be received better. This is also a good way to encourage new followers – no-one can resist free advice.

3.    Tweet less than 8 times a day

Companies that tweet less than 8 times a day are shown to develop better connection with their readers and generate more leads. In a law of averages more leads is better for business and therefore less tweets should be used. It also shows that you are not going to spam followers with constant tweets at all hours of the day.

4.    Use less hashtags

Using one or two hashtags has been proven to be shared more than tweets with hashtags or three or more. Use hashtags sparingly and receive rewards further down the line with new followers. While we are on the subject of hashtags, don’t use inappropriate or irrelevant tweets. Sometimes companies use tweets because they are trending at the time. However when these hashtags have been trending because of important world news at the time, like a shooting incident, it has often been received badly by readers and those companies have lost followers as well as consumer confidence.

5.    Shorten Tweets

Tweets which are between 80 and 100 characters long are normally shared more often. More shared tweets mean greater exposure and more people who could follow you or more lead generation. Keep those tweets short.

6.    Don’t just post links

Social media is versatile and it isn’t always about posting links to your blog / website / news article. Sometimes a picture or video can be a long way to interest new people to your account and encourage a following.

I hope this article has been some use to you. Please feel free to comment if you have any further suggestions or please take the time to follow me at Facebook or on Twitter..

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